
Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mothers Day

A love letter to my wife of whom had made my life a lot easier and fulfilling.

I thought I can finish my life story on a 400 page book, but it change and it did, something wonderful happened along the way that instead of the whole book I ended up with only a third, and as we journey our life together, God gave us a wonderful thing of beauty that makes us wonder how life is without him.

Suddenly, the pages on my book reduced to the intro and the rest of the story is far more interesting than I could have ever imagine, for sure the life story of this important people in my life took all the pages and I don't have any comment. I'd rather love to see them both and I will be the spectator of my own life.

For they are my life.

Happy Mothers Day Brat and to Zach as soon as you are able to read (Proverbs 6:20)

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Set it first

Ten years ago, I thought of playing an instruments for myself not for others, I settled on the guitar since its the only known instrument for me, but as time pass by I am becoming more interested on the drums mainly because of the impact that it creates on the whole song, worship but the overall appearance of the song (if you can view it like an image).

My early inspiration changes its more of a self uplifting adventure now (worsens) due to the admiration, and encouragement that I received, not that I am capable but since its the first time they saw me play and I interpret it very differently.

No one notice the difference not even I, the popularity that goes along with it may have cover the pride that grows on the side, but it does assert itself from time to time. So many instances that I have argument with myself that I am better and capable but its not working (you would always see the result). A simple fill and queue and its hard to achieve, the simplicity of the song and the artistry of the music is unachievable-if there is such a word. I can help but wonder how they made it look so easy, and lately I realized that I didn't work hard enough to get here it was simply handed to me.

Fast forward- the wasted emotions that I felt and how I drag myself to learning without understanding the basics defeated the purpose of God in my life. 

Who can better uplift us?

That is the question that I very well know the answer but couldn't quite grasp it.
